Used To, Be Used to

Modals II - Concepts
Class - 9th CBSE Subjects
Concept Explanation

Used To, Be Used to

Use of Used To:  Used to has no Present tense. Used is following by the full infinitive to.

1. To express a discontinued habit or a past situation which is no more in the present. e.g.  He used to drink daily. ( Now he does not drink )

2. Used is also used as an adjective, meaning- accustomed. It is then preceded by be form of verb or  become or get in any tense and followed by the preposition to. e.g. I am used to taking tea in the morning.

(A)  Used To :

A.  To Denote Habitual Action or the Past Routine of the Subject.

  • He used to go to Delhi by car.
  • He used not to go to Delhi.
  • He did not use to go to Delhi.
  • Dina would study at noon.
  • She would go out with me in the morning.
  • .... (More Text Available, Login?)
    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Fill the blank part with correct modal .

    1. He will be _____________ taking dinner early.

    2. He is ____________  getting up early.

    3. Did he ____________  play chess at college ?

    Right Option : C
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    Question : 2

    Fill the blank part with correct modal .

    1. I am ____________ taking tea in the morning.

    2. He ____________  go to Delhi by car.

    Right Option : A
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    Question : 3

    Fill the blank part with correct modal .

    1. I ___________  think that it would be a great idea to live there.

    2. We ___________ go sailing on the lake in summer.

    Right Option : C
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